Mtn. View & TrueStar’s Talk To Me Goose
Maverick, my goofy sweet lovebug! Mav was born on October 3rd 2022, and is a nephew to our Theo! Maverick’s dam, Faith was from our Blu X Ember litter, and is a littermate to Theo. He is an enthusiastic boy with such a zest for life. He is my shadow around the house, and loves all things tennis ball, water, food and snuggling! Maverick has been shown a small handful of times so far, and is always in the ribbons. Cant wait to see what this young boys’ future holds!
What can I say about my “Incredible” guy?! Theo was born a standout puppy. From our Blu X Ember breeding, he was one of four puppies born on August 30th 2018. He has been my special guy from day one! My shadow around the house, Retrieve a holic to the core, lover of babies, and puppies alike. A gentle goofball of a giant. On your lap isn’t close enough as far as this snuggle bug is concerned. Theo has been an incredibly successful show dog with very limited showing. Achieving a Best in Sweepstakes, Best Puppy in Show and a Best Bred by Exhibitor in Show as a young class dog from the 9-12 month puppy class. He went on to finish his Championship in style with 3 back to back majors from the bred by class owner handled and finished all the way. Never a destructive bone in his body, even as a teething puppy, however he constantly likes to bring you “gifts” throughout the day. Shoes are his favorite! Theo is a proven producer, and is at stud to approved ladies. He is consistently stamping his puppies with his good looks, movement and charm! Watch for Theo in ring near you in 2023!

GCH. Goodtime’s Star Attraction OS
Sam the man, my once in a lifetime dog. Sam was my heart dog. An amazingly talented show dog through and through with multiple Group placements. Samson could have accomplished so much more in the show world, however we just couldn’t bare the thought of being without him while he was on the road. Owner handled from start to finish. Sam was a retrieve a holic with an incredible zest for life. He just came alive in the show ring, loved it so very much! My ever present shadow around the house, retriever and lover of all things tennis balls and water. He couldn’t(and wouldn’t) resist even a mud puddle most days! So gentle and intuitive around babies and puppies alike; would stand down whenever confrontation arose; even when involving his dinner or a prized possession. Samson was our resident “puppy sitter” for so many years as he was truly a gentle giant. Sam weighed 73 pounds on average, stood 23 1/2 inched at the shoulders, and had full a full scissor bite dentition. He produced multiple Champion get that were stamped with his incredible structure, beauty and brains, Frozen semen available only to approved bitches.